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ConsComm Minutes 01/03/07
Minutes of Conservation Commission Public Meeting

Date:        January 3, 2007
Time:           4:00 pm
Location:       Town Hall Hearing Room

Commissioners Present:  Co-Chair John DiBlasio, Co-Chair Dottie Dolan, Lonni Briggs, Paul Banner and Ed Reynolds,  
Staff Present:  Hillary Greenberg, Conservation Agent, Andrew Petty, Assistant Conservation Agent and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary
Regrets:  Ginie Page and Cyndi Moe
4:00 - Business Meeting & Conservation Agent's Report  
Dottie Dolan called the meeting to order at 4:06 pm.  


·       Agent Greenberg distributed a listing of all boats that are currently pulled up on town property and miscellaneous private sites on the shoreline.  Agent Greenberg stated all boat owners should be identified and if the boats are not being used in the winter months, they should be taken to the owner’s property.  Some boats are abandoned.  Agent Greenberg stated the town is contemplating providing a storage area through the Harbor Master and Shellfish Department.  Paul Banner recommended Beach Sticker applications have a section on the  form asking people if they have a boat.  This would help in identifying the small craft.  Ed Reynolds moved to approve working with other Town departments to organize the storing of small boats on Town property; seconded by Paul Banner; passed 4-0.  There was discussion regarding what would be a suitable area.  One barge in particular is very large and is violating state and local regulations.  The boats are impeding natural water flow, grass growth and sand migration, disturbing the habitat of shell fish and causing dune erosion, etc.  .   
·       Agent Greenberg received a letter from the Shellfish Advisory Bd.  

·       The Town is conducting a volunteer training session for the Red Cross on Jan. 20 at the Senior Center.

·       Agent Greenberg supplied a copy of Eastham’s draft for application extensions of beyond 21 days.  Paul Banner will pass on the copy to his contact regarding legislative action.

Jurisdictional Opinions:

30Harborside Trailer Park,  Map 20, Parcel 19:  remove tree and replace with new tree once trailer is replaced.  Paul Banner moved to approve the JO; seconded by Ed Reynolds; passed 5-0.

·       Letter from Andrew Koch and Shellfish Advisory Committee stating they are unhappy with trucks running over the lower water area during the construction of rock revetments, which they feel creates damage to the shellfish areas.  They requested the Commission create a regulation or assist enforcing the Order of Conditions.  Agent Greenberg responded with an overview of current orders of conditions and asked them for suggestions.
·       Copy of a letter from Agent Greenberg to Rowe regarding his emergency repair to rock revetment on 30Chequessett Neck Road.

·       MA Assoc of  Cons Comm commended Dottie Dolan’s completion of Advanced Certification course.

·       Letter from Agent Greenberg to Gilmore regarding violating regulations and that she would be ticketed every Friday until the property is in compliance.  

·       Various pamphlets, brochures.  Information on MESA

·       A letter from the Open Space Committee  regarding the monitoring of town owned properties.   Abutters are reporting some land is being abused.  Agent Greenberg will respond to the letter.

·       Lonni Briggs asked if the Commission could request a clean up of abandoned debris left in various areas.  Agent Greenberg stated the DPW has worked with her on some areas, but will not touch the National Park.  Lonni suggested utilizing Americorps and will draft a memo for Agent Greenberg before she talks to them.

·       Danforth property:  the current violation is building materials in the backyard.  Agent Greenberg will request her to move the wood to the top of the leach field.  

·       Peace Valley Rd – Cavanaugh moved the sand outside of the 100’ buffer zone.

Meeting Minutes:  Paul Banner moved to approve the 12/18/06 with amendments; seconded by Dottie Dolan; passed 5-0.
Public Hearings called to order at timeHour18Minute305:00 pm by co-chair John DiBlasio

Massari,        244 King Phillip Road, Map 34, Parcel 13:  Request for Certificate of Compliance.  Agent Greenberg stated she received a report that the project was complete.  A site visit was made.  Agent Greenberg will send a letter to E-Z Doze It regarding landings.  Ed Reynolds moved to approve the Certificate of Compliance noting ongoing conditions; seconded by Dottie Dolan; passed 5-0.        

Elliott,        3B Indian Neck Rd., Map 28, Parcel 231.2:  Request for Amendment to Order of Conditions.  Darryl Elliott and Tim Klink of Coastal Engineering told the Commission they would like to eliminate the walkway and decking on right side of house as approved and extend decking on left side of house which would include an outdoor shower.  Agent Greenberg pointed out they are moving the work outside of the 50’ buffer zone.   The house will be heated with propane and will require a buried tank which they want to do on the southeast side of the house.  Underground electrical lines will come in from the driveway.  The applicant also wishes to change the plant list.  Paul Banner moved to approve the Amendment; seconded by Ed Reynolds; passed 5-0.  Cyndi supervisor.

Connelly, 110 Springbook Rd., Map 47, Parcel 30:  NOI, Construct single family dwelling, install driveway and septic system.   Eric Mitchell represented the applicant.  The septic will not require any septic variances.  The lot was purchased in 1963, is grandfathered and the river protection act will allow building the dwelling.  The limit of work will be outside of the 100’ riverfront area of undisturbed vegetation.  A nitrogen reducing system will be utilized.  Eric identified Spring Brook as a perennial stream.  Agent Greenberg stated the septic work would be completed within one day.  Tree removal will be considered an alteration.  timeHour18Minute30timeHour18Minute30MESA responded that they did not identify any endangered species on the property.  Jeff Glanville, abutter, stated the land has been for sale for some time and questioned if the orders of conditions were transferable to new owners, which they are.   Mitchell confirmed there would be no change to the road or the cul-de-sac during the construction  and that materials would be removed due to the size of the lot.  Dottie Dolan moved to approve with conditions; seconded by Paul Banner; passed 5-0.  Dottie Dolan will be supervisor.

Meeting Minutes:

Dottie Dolan move to approve the October 4, 2006 meeting minutes as presented; seconded by John DiBlasio; passed 5-0.
Dottie Dolan moved to approve the November 1, 2006 meeting minutes as corrected; seconded by John DiBlasio; passed 5-0.
Paul Banner moved to approve the November 15, 2006 meeting minutes; seconded by Ed Reynolds; passed 5-0.
Paul Banner moved to approve theDecember 6, 2006 meeting minutes as corrected; seconded by John DiBlasio; passed 5-0.  
Dottie Dolan moved to approve the December 18, 2006 meeting minutes as presented; seconded by John DiBlasio; passed 5-0.

Dottie moved to adjourn at 6:30 pm; seconded by Ed Reynolds; passed 5-0.                

Respectfully submitted,

Christine A. Bates
Committee Secretary